
LifestealZ is designed to be per-world specific, meaning the plugin only takes effect in the worlds you specify. Commands, Lifesteal logic, and items will only function in these designated worlds. This behavior is controlled through LifestealZ's "whitelist," a configuration option for managing which worlds can utilize LifestealZ's features — note that this whitelist is distinct from a server whitelist.

By default, LifeStealZ resides over the default Minecraft world names; world, world_nether, world_the_end.

Unexpected Behavior

If you receive the message "This world is not whitelisted for LifeStealZ!" but do not have Multiverse installed, you may have renamed your world in the panel of your hosting service. Alternatively, depending on your hosting provider, they may also have custom naming for worlds.

In any case, you'll need to customize the worlds that LifeStealZ is managing. To do this, read further.

Whitelisting Worlds

Finding Your World Name

To correctly assign LifeStealZ over a world, you’ll need to have its specific name. If you already know the name of your world you wish to adjust, proceed to the next steps. Otherwise, read along.

You can find the exact name of your world file from the server.properties file located on your server. Typically, this is found under File Manager, depending on the host.

Navigate down until you find level-name (or search for it using CTRL + F). Take note of this exact wording, either by copying it or writing it down somewhere.

Example Server Properties

Your Server Properties might look something like this:

motd=A Minecraft Server

We are only interested in what proceeds the equals sign (=).

Once you know your world name, you can proceed onward by adjusting your LifeStealZ config to accommodate these changes.

Config Changes

With our world name ready, we can simply modify LifeStealZ's config. This config file exists within /plugins/LifeStealZ/config.yml, and you can access, likewise, through your File Manager.

Just after the start of the file, you'll find the Whitelist Settings:

  - "world"
  - "world_nether"
  - "world_the_end"

By default, you'll already notice the standard Minecraft world names. From here, just replace all instances of "world" with the world name you copied.

Example Updated Config

In our previous example, we copied our world name; for the purpose of our analogy, titled "mycoolworld". We can adjust the config.yml to match.

  - "mycoolworld"
  - "mycoolworld_nether"
  - "mycoolworld_the_end"

Thats it! Just restart your server now, and voila! Everything should work!

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Multiverse Support

LifeStealZ is generally compatible with Multiverse. When switching to a non-whitelisted world, your hearts will be reset to 10. When switching to a whitelisted world, your hearts will be set to your LifeStealZ hearts.

Last updated